The David Story: Shepherd, Father, King
8 lessons
6h total length
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Lessons in this course

lesson 1
The Israelites are God’s chosen people, but they must undergo challenges to prepare them to be the nation from which the Messiah will come. The story of David illustrates how Israel’s history is touched by the divine, but still human.

lesson 2
Hannah’s Faith and Eli’s Failure
First Samuel opens with the stories of two faithful parents, Hannah and Eli. Hannah raises her son, Samuel, to be faithful, while Eli fails to correct his sons, Hophni and Phineas, and their sins bring defeat to Israel.

lesson 3
Samuel Anoints Saul
Although God has proven himself faithful to Israel by defeating her enemies, the people demand a king like other nations. Samuel anoints Saul, who must now discover the proper role of a king of Israel.

lesson 4
Saul’s Rivalry with David
Saul’s two acts of disobedience precipitate his downfall and the loss of his kingship. The subsequent rise in popularity of the newly anointed David turns Saul’s love for David into fear and envy.

lesson 5
The Tragedy of Saul
Even though Saul’s violent jealousy forces David into exile, David refuses to harm God’s anointed. Instead, the tragic story of Saul concludes in battle with the Philistines, as he falls on his own sword after the defeat of his army and the death of his sons.

lesson 6
The Rise and Fall of King David
At the pinnacle of his power, King David commits adultery with Bathsheba and has her husband, Uriah, killed in an attempt to cover his sin. These transgressions bring a fourfold judgment against David and his family.

lesson 7
Consequences of David’s Sins
David is implicated in the terrible crimes committed by his sons, Absalom and Amnon, against their own family. While he struggles with the tension between his role as king and father, David’s kingdom begins to slip away as the rebellious Absalom steals the hearts of the Israelites.

lesson 8
Shepherd of Israel
David’s army successfully quashes Absalom’s rebellion, but David suffers the loss of another son. As his reign comes to an end, a repentant David provides a model of the king of Israel as a shepherd willing to sacrifice himself for his sheep.
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What Current Students Are Saying
Dr. Jackson is a superb teacher--among the best under whom I have studied. He combines the exegetical skills of an experienced preacher with compelling warmth, humility, knowledge, and an abiding passion, and an obvious care for his students and love of his work.
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