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Online Courses Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Hillsdale online courses free?

Yes. These online courses are provided free of charge through the generous donations of our friends. If you would like to contribute, you can donate here.

Does Hillsdale College offer credit for taking these free online courses?

No. However, if you complete the final quiz for a course, you can download a personalized certificate of completion. This certificate does not count for college credit.

Why must I create a free student account in order to enroll in a course?

It is necessary to create an account before enrolling in and accessing a course because your course progress will be unique to you as a student.

Must I be signed in to my account in order to access my course?

Yes. Signing in to your account ensures that your unique course progress is recorded and secure.

How long will courses be available?

Courses will remain available to take at your convenience for the foreseeable future.

Do I need to complete the course by a certain date or time?

No. You may study at your own pace.

What must I do in order to complete a course?

To complete a course you must watch all of the lecture videos, take all of the lecture quizzes, and complete the final quiz with a score of 80% or higher.

Supplementary videos, readings, and participation on the discussion board are not required but do serve as ways to deepen and enrich your studies with Hillsdale. 

Can the lectures be downloaded?

Course videos may not be downloaded.  Course audio is available for download in each lecture.

Are lecture transcripts available for purchase or download?

No, transcripts of the lectures are not available. However, some courses do include study guides with extensive lecture outlines.

Are the courses available on DVD or CD?

Many of the College’s free online courses are available on DVD. You can order a DVD here for a tax-deductible gift of $100 or more in support of Hillsdale’s educational outreach initiatives.

Courses are not available on compact disk. However, once you’ve created an account, you can download a .mp3 audio file of each lecture on the course page.

Are course books available for purchase?

What are the Terms of Use for the discussion board?

We provide the Discussion Board with the expectation that all users conduct themselves in a civil manner worthy of the subject under discussion. As in our courses here at the College, comments should be elevated and serious, relevant to the course topic, and aimed at gaining knowledge about the course lectures and readings.

We encourage users to read the full Discussion Board Terms of Service once signed in to the Discussion Board.

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